Tag Archives: strategy

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Mike Fitterer //  24 Sep, 2014

Pay Per Click Advertising Explained by a Non-PPC Person

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) should be an integral part of every company’s online marketing strategy. Seriously, it’s legit. After all, what marketer wouldn’t like having totally transparent marketing spend and return data available just a few clicks away? Oh, every marketer likes that sort of data? That’s what I thought. Here’s the problem. Most… Read More

social_media_portent Blog

Braxton Kellogg //  10 Jun, 2014

Why Social Media Strategists Matter in the Digital Marketing Realm

If you work in social media, you’ve probably heard “Why?” more times than you can count. “Why does this matter?” “Why is social media valuable to my business?” “Why should we be paying you to help us?” I’ve been working in the social media world for three years now, and “why” questions are what I… Read More

Mom walking to work with briefcase and milk bottle Internet Marketing

Ariana Burgess //  11 Sep, 2013

5 Project Management Tips from Portent’s Newest Mom

Being a new mom is pretty awesome. Sure, there’s lack of sleep, lots of crying (you and the baby), and lots of diapers. But there are also awesome smiles, giggles, cuddles, and hugs.  It’s challenging enough to accommodate this new person, but working full-time adds an extra layer. Over the years, however, I’ve developed some… Read More