{"id":26660,"date":"2014-10-28T09:04:09","date_gmt":"2014-10-28T16:04:09","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.eigene-homepage-erstellen.net\/?p=26660"},"modified":"2014-10-28T09:04:09","modified_gmt":"2014-10-28T16:04:09","slug":"43-tools-modern-marketers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.eigene-homepage-erstellen.net\/blog\/marketing-strategy\/43-tools-modern-marketers.htm","title":{"rendered":"43 tools for modern marketers"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Modern marketers are mutts: We have to write, edit, produce, plan, measure, learn, listen, speak and otherwise pull miracles out of our rear ends on a daily basis.<\/p>\n

We need tools. This is my list. By the way, no one’s paid me, bribed me, threatened me or otherwise steered me towards their products.<\/p>\n

This is not a process. You have to have your own process. These are the gadgets I use to survive day-to-day. Also, these are the tools I<\/em> use. There are plenty of others.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

<\/a>Marketers write<\/h2>\n

There’s a reason I put this first. If you’re a marketer, you write. Hopefully well.<\/p>\n

<\/a>Sublime Text<\/h3>\n

I’m a simple guy. I like text files. They’re hard to wreck, open in almost any editor and transfer to all sorts of formats. This is a text editor that happens to let me do other editing too.<\/p>\n

Sublime Text<\/a> tops my list of writing tools. I’m writing this entire blog post in Sublime, using a very basic markup language called Markdown<\/a>. When I’m done, I’ll export it to plain text (for editing), HTML (for this blog post) and separate notes (for the presentation).<\/p>\n