
The best way to control a social media crisis is to own it. And really any pictures of me constitute a crisis, so I’m owning this one:
I hate – hate getting pictures taken. That’s why I use a little cartoon instead.
But I was starting to get some flack from certain people (you know who you are) about a hopelessly outdated photo. So I had Chris Bachmann – one of our developers and a super-talented photographer to boot – take a few shots.
I decided to just slap ‘em up here and save myself the humiliation later. I removed the ones where my gut’s hanging out, or I look like E.T., or something’ stuck to my face:
Here’s my “I’m so professional shot”:
My normal pose during the day:
How I’ll look when I get arrested for driving my Prius backwards at 40 mph, just to see what happens:
And a dramatic pose Chris caught of me when I was unaware:
On the bright side, the photo I’ll likely use the most is on a green background, so I can put myself against all sorts of interesting situations:
As the little-known 13th model in BSG:
And, of course, in an episode of MacGyver:


Ian Lurie
/ portentint
Portent's Founder & CEO

Ian Lurie is founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an internet marketing agency that has provided internet marketing, including PPC, SEO, social and analytics services, since 1995. more >

6 Responses to “Guh”

  1. Tom - October 12, 2010 at 3:12 pm #

    Love the inclusion of the little Colonial Viper. (I’ve got one myself, plus a Raider to keep it company.)

  2. Christopher Bachmann - October 12, 2010 at 3:49 pm #

    Truly, none of us could recall seeing such a mirthful countenance upon Ian’s face, unless you count the cackles of glee coming from his office during the Great Portent Starcraft Massacre of ’06, which we sadly never thought to record for posterity…

  3. Mike @ Email Marketing Software - October 13, 2010 at 1:46 am #

    True point about owning a social media crisis – although that’s the joy of it, in that it’s very hard to! The photos are great. Really awesome photography. I’m exactly the same and am not the keenest person when it comes to having my photo taken.

  4. imnotadoctor - October 13, 2010 at 7:55 am #

    Your MacGyver photo is epic! Send that on the cover sheet of all your proposals.

  5. Babs - October 13, 2010 at 9:44 am #

    Good to see you’ve had a hair cut since the cartoon ;-)

  6. Simon - October 25, 2010 at 1:06 am #

    Ha – I had the same BSG image as my desktop for months. Hadnt thought of greenscreening myself over the top though!