Portent’s Search Engine Optimization Toolkit

Search engine readiness and content/structure form two of the four pillars of smart search engine optimization. PythiaSEO helps us make sure both are 100% effective in your SEO campaign.

Portent developed PythiaSEO to simulate search engines, checking your site for:

  • Duplicate content that might cause search engines to apply ranking penalties.
  • Code issues that hurt your ability to achieve a high search ranking.
  • Issues that might block a search spider from indexing your entire site.
  • Keyword density in title tags, body content, headings and links.
  • Linking issues that prevent a high ranking.

css report
Sample report: PythiaSEO detecting unnecessary code.

meta tag report

Sample report: PythiaSEO Displaying all Meta Tags on a site for easy editing.

PythiaSEO in Action

PythiaSEO helped us find and diagnose problems on brides.com. Once fixed, brides.com rose to #3 on Google for ‘wedding dresses’. That made Brides the top-ranked publication for that phrase.

We also used the the tool to detect and remove duplicate content from sites such as veoh.com and saltworks.us. Both saw immediate SEO improvement. Read about Saltworks’ success here, and review our portfolio page for more information about Veoh.

Learn More

PythiaSEO is not available for public use. If you’d like to learn more about it, contact us.