Yearly Archives: 2010


7 Jan, 2010

Mashups are everywhere

By Ian Lurie

Today’s post is more of an observation than anything else. Now that I’m back on the bike, I’ve started training using videos from a clever company called Sufferfest Studios. Their videos are… …hard to describe, unless you’re a cyclist. Basically, they’re training videos make you mash the pedals until you’re ready to vomit. I’m not… Read More

Portent Placeholder Random

7 Jan, 2010

Social Media Collective Wisdom Survey: 2010

By Ian Lurie

Who’s Blogging What put together a cool survey regarding social media. It’s got all the smart people in the business, plus me: Social media collective wisdom survey 2010

Internet Marketing

6 Jan, 2010

Fire your social media manager

By Ian Lurie

Congratulations! You’ve hired a social media manager! Now you can stop wasting your time talking to customers online, or blogging, or anything else in that weird online world. She can handle it all, right? Wrong. If your company has a ‘social media manager’, and she’s responsible for all online conversations, you’ve both failed. Social media… Read More

Portent Placeholder Random

6 Jan, 2010

15 Years

By Ian Lurie

In January of 1995, I took my one credit card, purchased a Pentium 75 PC (running the latest version of Windows 3.0) and a business license, and launched The Written Word, Inc. That company is now named Portent Interactive. The date on that first business license is January 7, 1995. So, as of tomorrow, we’ve… Read More

Portent Placeholder Internet Marketing

6 Jan, 2010

Me and Seth, We’re Like That

By Ian Lurie

Junta 42 has published an ebook version of their 2010 marketing predictions. Look who are paired up on facing pages:


5 Jan, 2010

Google Real Time Search Screws Reputation Management

By Ian Lurie

I just guest posted on Knowem’s blog about Google Real Time Search, and the fact that they’ve created the ultimate smear weapon. Check it out here.

Portent Placeholder Internet Marketing

5 Jan, 2010

11 internet marketing trends to ignore in 2010

By Ian Lurie

Flush with my 2009 success, I’m heading straight into my predictions for 2010. These are the trends I think the pundits will yell about even as they slip gracefully beneath the waves, never to be seen again: Bing versus Google. Bing came out swinging, took one on the chin and went down like a sack… Read More

Internet Marketing

4 Jan, 2010

2009 trends to ignore: How I did

By Ian Lurie

Every year, I write a list of trends to utterly ignore, dismiss and otherwise mock relentlessly. You can read my 11 2009 trends to ignore here. So, how’d I do? Not too bad, actually: Analytics. I said that a lack of standards would make analytics a contentious issue in 2009. Utter fail. I couldn’t have… Read More


4 Jan, 2010

I’m an educational, anxious, negative control freak: So says Tweetpsych

By Ian Lurie

It’s a shock, I know. What IS shocking is just how accurately Dan Zarella’s new tool, Tweetpsych, has me pegged: You can see the full profile here: PS: Dan also has a nifty book on social media, which you can buy here

Portent Placeholder Random

3 Jan, 2010

On the interwebs radio

By Ian Lurie

Later this month, I’ll be on Rey Ybarra’s New Media Radio Hour, talking about the Web Marketing for Dummies All In One Desk Reference, and providing my usual, sober look at the world of internet marketing. Further bulletins as events warrant.

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