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Kyle Eliason

Kyle Eliason

Kyle is an Account Manager at Portent, Inc. He brings over 4 years of experience managing digital media projects. He is passionate about innovative marketing strategies – the more creative, the better. When he’s not account managing, he’s either on a soccer field, on ice skates, or screenwriting. On occasion, you’ll catch him on all three.

Articles by Kyle Eliason

Total Marketing Wellness

Kyle Eliason //  31 Mar, 2016

Total Marketing Wellness: The Health of Your Marketing

A man goes to into the doctor’s office and says it hurts no matter where he touches his body. The doctor looks at him noting that he doesn’t appear to have any full body trauma. Skeptically, the doctor says “Impossible.” The man says to the doctor, “No. I’m not making this up. It hurts really… Read More

Post Mortem: For in that sleep of death, what teams may come...

Kyle Eliason //  16 Jul, 2015

10 Tips for a Successful Post-Mortem

I love meetings. Actually, let me clarify. I like creative, strategy-focused meetings like a brainstorm or its emo cousin, the Post-Mortem. What is a post-mortem? To some, it’s an examination of a corpse in order to determine the correct cause of death. To other more well-adjusted individuals (no offense Dana Scully), it’s a discussion (usually… Read More

Rain Strom of IMC

Kyle Eliason //  23 Dec, 2014

It’s Raining Marketing: The Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications

Halfway during one of my marketing classes in college, I noticed a small quote on the bottom right-hand side of the whiteboard. It said, “Which raindrop caused the flood?” My teacher never referenced it once during the duration of the course. However, ten weeks later, it all made sense. What is this IMC you speak… Read More