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Tracy Beach

Tracy Beach

Tracy joined Portent in 2000 and has succeeded in multiple positions over his many years, including creating and defining the Account Strategist role, so important to the company's growth and success. He has played an integral part in helping Portent evolve from a four-employee agency into a leading internet marketing firm.Tracy is proud of Portent’s people, its growth and is excited for its bright future.

Articles by Tracy Beach


Tracy Beach //  13 Nov, 2014

Symbols in subject lines, AKA the resurrection of Wingdings

I’ve worked at Portent for 14 years now and this is my first blog post. You might ask yourself, “why now?” “Why does he start with this subject?” The answer is that nothing in the past 14-plus years has been more exciting, more inspiring, and maybe even more important than the recent technological advancements that have allowed us… Read More