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Zac Heinrichs

Zac Heinrichs

Zac has been in the SEO world for the last 7 years. His attention to detail and extensive experience in customer service have proven to be great assets for technical SEO, researching keywords, and optimizing on-page content in the demanding and constant changing landscape of SEO.

Articles by Zac Heinrichs

The Temple of Yoda at the base of the Portent P

Zac Heinrichs //  3 Dec, 2015

The Rank Awakens: Living the Brand with Universal Life Church

Or, “How I Became a Certified Jedi Knight” Yay! Star Wars! I can’t wait for The Force Awakens! It comes out in a couple weeks and I have totally bought into the hype. I know I’m not alone, even after a certain late-nineties, floppy-eared, backward knee-walking, CGI disappointment, who shall remain nameless. Now here’s the… Read More