Prognostication: Google buys Urchin

Ian Lurie Mar 29 2005

Sea Urchin
Google bought Urchin today. Here’s the link. Yes, I’m patting myself on the back – I’ve always loved Urchin’s product. But what does this mean for Google, and for my favorite web analytics program?

My guess is that this is the end for Urchin’s server-side software. I’d be surprised if Google continues to support it. That’s a major disappointment for me, because I’ve always liked the product. But since I already own a license, I’ll survive.

Balancing the down side is that I’m guessing Google will introduce the Urchin functionality to Adwords, allowing folks to better track advertising performance and click fraud as part of their Adwords account. They’ll probably also introduce a lower-cost version of Urchin 6, which is a hosted on-demand application. That would bring a Urchin’s functionality within reach of more web site owners. And anything that helps more folks be educated consumers of internet marketing makes me happy.

It remains to be seen, of course. My perfect world would be continued innovation with both the server-based and on-demand software. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, and keep you all updated…

tags : conversation marketing