Why Tom Cruise Should Be Your Content Strategist [Infographic]

Drawn version of Tom Cruise in Top Gun

When he’s not streaking through the Danger Zone on an Impossible Mission, the world’s biggest movie star (yes, still arguably) veers Far and Away from his core competency, occasionally taking a mega-risk with his Eyes Wide Shut.

Corniness of that opening sentence aside, Tom Cruise makes for a compelling model of how to run a brand: while his trademark relates to an über-successful motion picture career – and yours (likely) doesn’t – there are many things a business can learn about reputation management and content strategy from him.

And just what is the “content strategy” of Tom Cruise’s career?  It’s fairly simple.  Mr. Cruise delivers to his core audience while attracting new fans with moderately risky creative choices, still keeping himself fresh for critics and colleagues with strategic, iconoclastic roles that challenge the core Cruise brand.


My boss Ian Lurie subscribes to a 70-20-10 approach to on-site content (a slight refining of Jonathan Mildenhall of Coca-Cola’s famous value and significance strategy).  I also subscribe to this philosophy for the following reasons:

1.)    It is a deliberate and thoughtful method of planning useful, entertaining and responsive branded material.

2.)    He’s my boss.

Just what is the 70-20-10?  Per Ian:

  • 70% of our content should be solid, standard stuff: Basic how-tos and advice that’s very safe and is easily justified as supporting SEO and other efforts.
  • 20% of our content should riff on the 70%, but take some chances. This is the content that expands on 70% content, but may flirt with controversy, or try appealing to a new audience, or otherwise be moderately risky. It may also take a bit more effort. It also offers a higher potential payoff.
  • 10% of our content should be completely innovative: Things we’ve never done that, if they work, could become part of the 20 or 70%. 10% content often requires a lot of work or audience interaction. Or, it’s just risky. Most of the 10% will fail. You still have to do it. It’s really important, because without it, the entire strategy stagnates.

Graphically represented:

Graph of Ian Lurie's 70-20-10 content strategy

Tom Cruise’s 70-20-10

  • 70% of his roles represent The Movie Star.  The Tom Cruise™ brand:  That cocky, loveable scoundrel who is exciting and risky, but inevitably on the side of right.  These Cruise personas – Maverick in “Top Gun,” Ethan Hunt in “Mission: Impossible” – often have tragic backstories that enable us to look past their initial conceit, waiting for a denouement which always proves the Cruise character to be heroic, self-sacrificing and truly good.
  • 20% of his roles represent The Actor.  Tom is still Tom – generally looks like him, sounds like him, acts like him – but he’s taking a chance.  Maybe it’s a period film like “The Last Samurai,” or working in an unfamiliar genre like “Minority Report” or spending half the movie in a mask (“Vanilla Sky”).  Tom does these films both to challenge himself AND to increase his “brand reach” to various demographics who may find his 70% films cloying or predictable.
  • 10% of his roles represent The Iconoclast.  Tom isn’t Tom.  In fact, Tom is trying to tear down Tom Cruise™.  Here’s where the “art” happens.  He takes big risks like ranting about his manhood in “Born on the Fourth of July,” or playing a misogynistic, manipulative motivational speaker in “Magnolia.”  Both of those films landed him Oscar nominations.  There is a HUGE upside to 10% content, but the downside is just as large.  This also is where you can fall on your face (see “Eyes Wide Shut” and “Rock of Ages”… on second thought, don’t).
Why Tom Cruise Should Be Your Content Strategist

Awesome infographic by Jess Walker.

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I should care because…?

Like Tom Cruise, you must manage your brand identity through choices in content. The days of the “EAT HERE” ad campaign are no more.  There are too many alternatives.

Like it or not, everyone is now in the content business.  Involve and evolve… or dissolve.

But 10% content scares me…

Risk mitigation doesn’t mean you don’t TAKE risks… It means you manage them, deciding where to pull your punch, and where to hit ‘em with a massive uppercut.

I’m sure 10% content scares Tom Cruise, too… And do you what?  Those movies generally DON’T do as well… at least at the box office.  But what they do REALLY well is improve his brand – its reach, its durability and its reputation.

The role of Les Grossman in “Tropic Thunder” SAVED Tom Cruise after the notorious couch-jumping incident.  The performance made him accessible; it showed people he could laugh at himself.  Now they’re talking about developing a Les Grossman movie… and having tried and succeeded with that role, Les Grossman no longer represents 10% content for Mr. Cruise.

The most successful 10% content can (and should) be replicated, joining the 20, and sometimes even the 70 (for a good example of that, consider Tom Hanks… from comic goofball to two-time Oscar winner).

The takeaway

Unless you are happy with your business’ status quo (and OK with the risk that status may decline), you need to put out content that occasionally scares you.  Not foolishly, but strategically, deliberately, measurably.  The audience gets bored of the same old, same old.  Growth can be painful, but it’s worthwhile.

Let Tom Cruise be an example for your content marketing strategy, or understand that you’ll never attain A-list status.  Instead, you and your business will be relegated to the direct-to-video shelf.

But, then again, maybe you like Jean Claude Van Damme.

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  1. I’m down. I want to live in the 10%, but I have bosses. This will help me communicate with them!
    Also, I had always thought that those were stars on the American flag. Never knew they were snowflakes! Learn something new every day. Thanks again, Portent!

    1. Yeah, it can be difficult to push the 10% through, but hopefully with time, education and good results, even your boss will see it’s value πŸ™‚

  2. What an excellent way to break the 80-20-10 content guide down into moving parts using Tom Cruise and his movie choices. Excellent read Katie thank you as i’m sure Ian enjoyed it too.
    I find these infograph articles an excellent resource and user friendly for clients to understand content and the 80-20-10 Rule

  3. You already know how much I love your writing, Katie – but you’ve really outdone yourself with this one.
    Your creativity, wit, writing finesse and smarts guarantee my continued loyalty to Ian’s blog (Ian’s stuff is pretty good, too πŸ™‚
    You’re always welcome back to the blog at SEO Copywriting – you know that, right? hehe.
    Awesome – consider it bookmarked!

    1. Thanks Laura! Your wondrous praise is currently being tattooed onto my forearm.
      I vow to pop up on SEO Copywriting again sometime soon πŸ™‚

  4. Great post Katie. I love the Tom Cruise analogy probably because I am a huge fan of his work. I was shocked and amazed that he was not even nominated for an Oscar for his role in “A Few Good Men”

  5. I think it is really good to take a risk for sometimes… This way we could be able to determine how far we can run or how strong we are in order to be successful in our business.. πŸ˜€ I just love your writing wit! Kudos to you Katie!

  6. I not only found this article funny but it was super helpful as well. I dont think that I would have ever thought of using tom cruise in my opening line of an article or to relate to a content writing but you did it.

  7. Awesome analogy. Even his website seems to follow this rule. I’ve been a big fan of Tom Cruise and now I get his movie choices even better! Probably more important, you illustrate why we should diversify our content. Thanks.

  8. I’m digging this Katie. It’s similar to the 80-20 rule for productivity but thrown on it’s head.
    I’m going to have to start pushing towards the outer boundaries of my work. See where it leads.

  9. I’m loving the Tom Cruise analogy here Katie! A really great, thought-provoking and funny post! For what its worth, I actually thought Les Grossman, albeit a cameo, was one of his finest roles!
    Innovation and risk taking go hand in hand. Without this 10% all our content would be pretty dull. In fact life would be pretty dull! We should all try to extend ourselves once in a while and diversify our work if only to challenge ourselves and offer something unique – we never know where it can take us.

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