I do a presentation about page load speed. The presentation includes a lot of little tips. Here are links to any relevant stuff. The links change now and then, so keep an eye on things.
Note!!!! We now have a complete guide to page load speed optimization. No signup, no registration, nothing required. Read it.
The links:
Site speed vs. revenue
The stats and explanation around revenue vs. page load time.
Diagnostic tools
Google PageSpeed Insights
Web Page Test
Image compression tools
Javascript/CSS/HTML compression tools
mod_deflate (for Apache 2.4)
nginx ngx_http_gzip_module
Expires headers
Apache mod_expires (Apache 2.4)
nginx ngx_http_headers_module
IIS ClientCache
Lazy loading
LazySizes javascript
JQuery Lazy Load
Some speedy tech stack options
Varnish (caching in steroids)
Code caching/speedy type stuff
APC (PHP caching)
XCache (PHP caching)
Random links
W3TotalCache (great speed upgrades for WordPress)
Google PageSpeed Module (automated PageSpeed for your server)
Google Hosted Code Libraries for jQuery, Angular, Dojo, MooTools, etc. etc.