Site Speed Presentation: The links

Ian Lurie

I do a presentation about page load speed. The presentation includes a lot of little tips. Here are links to any relevant stuff. The links change now and then, so keep an eye on things.

Note!!!! We now have a complete guide to page load speed optimization. No signup, no registration, nothing required. Read it.

The links:

Site speed vs. revenue
The stats and explanation around revenue vs. page load time.

Diagnostic tools

Google PageSpeed Insights
Web Page Test

Image compression tools

Caesium (PC)
ImageOptim (Mac)

Javascript/CSS/HTML compression tools

mod_deflate (for Apache 2.4)
nginx ngx_http_gzip_module

Expires headers

Apache mod_expires (Apache 2.4)
nginx ngx_http_headers_module
IIS ClientCache

Lazy loading

LazySizes javascript
JQuery Lazy Load

Some speedy tech stack options

Varnish (caching in steroids)

Code caching/speedy type stuff

APC (PHP caching)
XCache (PHP caching)

Random links

W3TotalCache (great speed upgrades for WordPress)
Google PageSpeed Module (automated PageSpeed for your server)
Google Hosted Code Libraries for jQuery, Angular, Dojo, MooTools, etc. etc.

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Ian Lurie

Ian Lurie is the founder of Portent. He's been a digital marketer since the days of AOL and Compuserve (25 years, if you're counting). Ian's recorded training for, writes regularly for the Portent Blog and has been published on AllThingsD, Smashing Magazine, and TechCrunch. Ian speaks at conferences around the world, including SearchLove, MozCon, Seattle Interactive Conference and ad:Tech. He has published several books about business and marketing: One Trick Ponies Get Shot, available on Kindle, The Web Marketing All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies, and Conversation Marketing. Ian is now an independent consultant and continues to work with the Portent team- training the agency group on all things digital. You can find him at

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