Ten Internet Un-Resolutions to Make this Year

Portent Staff Dec 31 2008

As you prepare to take up yoga, learn Spanish, and start volunteering at a soup kitchen every weekend, here are ten internet habits this internet marketing company says it’s perfectly ok to keep! It’s Ok to….

  1. Spend more time fussing with your blog wallpaper than you do with your home wallpaper.
  2. To have 200 unread entries in your Charitable Organization News RSS Feed, and zero in your Perez Hilton Feed.
  3. Change your Yahoo! avatar’s outfit every single day.
  4. Refuse to look out the window and insist on using your iPhone widget to determine the day’s weather.
  5. Master the art of “bouncing back” emails to screen your awkward first dates. This is 2008’s version of “I’m just not that into you.”
  6. Think true love is defined by synched iGoogle calendars.
  7. Succumb to profane “captcha rage” when you correctly enter the right letter combo for the eighteenth time, only to be denied.
  8. Create a fake Facebook account in order to spy on your ex.
  9. Get creeped out each time Twitter reports someone new is “following you.”
  10. Hide your “Top 25 Played” iTunes list, so your co-workers will not know how many times you listened to GenuWine “Pony” in an eight hour time period. You thought it said Gershwin…obviously.