Twitter Ads Introduces Keyword Targeting

Timothy Johnson Apr 17 2013

Target By Keywords

Twitter took a large leap forward with their advertising platform Wednesday morning by introducing a new advanced interface that allows for keyword targeting. Twitter sent out a mass email to existing Twitter Ads users stating:

“You can reach users at the right time and in the right context based on keywords in their Tweets and the Tweets they’ve recently engaged with. Simply specify the keywords you want to target and then add on targeting for location, device and gender.”

The keyword targeting works by showing ads to Twitter users who have Tweeted or interacted with a Tweet that the advertiser is targeting. Twitter provided a couple of examples as to how the new feature might be utilized.

  • Travel brands can target newlyweds Tweeting about their prospective honeymoon plans.
  • Retailers can place discounts in front of fashionistas who engage with Tweets showing the latest designer jeans.
  • Bakeries can reach the hungry guy or gal who just Tweeted about their afternoon snack craving.

Advanced Interface

Advanced Interface Dashboard

The Advanced Interface feature has been available to some users since March (by invitation only) but went live to all users Wednesday (April 17).


The new Advanced Interface also provides much more in-depth analytics on Timeline activity, interaction by followers, and tracking information on an advertiser’s website via a tracking code.

Timeline Tracking Dashboard


This is a brand new feature and only time will tell what affect this will have on Twitter Ads. But for now, this seems like a very useful new tool for the more advanced Twitter advertisers. Give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments.

tags : ppctwitter adsTwitter advanced interface