I’m Speaking At Pubcon: Where to Find Me

Ian Lurie Oct 6 2016

Pubcon, baby!

I’ll be at Pubcon next week, speaking my brains out. Here are my sessions:

Speed Baby Speed
Tuesday, October 11
I’d say more but this page loaded too fast. All about making your site faster. Not just Google Page Speed. I’m on a panel with Fili Wiese and Jenny Halasz, with Barry Adams moderating.

Wednesday, October 12
Using Quora as a marketing tool. Yes, it works, honest. I’ll talk about the search tricks, research and other fun things you can do with Quora. I’m on a panel with Heather Wilde. Ross Jones is the moderator.

Using Emotional Content Triggers
Thursday, October 13
COME TO THIS OR YOU’RE DUMB!!! See? I just used an emotional content trigger. There are more subtle ones, though. Jordan Koene and I will fill you in, with Jon Henshaw moderating.