Google Search Plus Your World builds organic search traffic, big-time. Say what you want about the evil-ness of the whole thing. It’s a huge opportunity, and you need to capitalize on it now.
The background
I’ve been working for several weeks, researching what seems to get your Plus profile showing up in organic search results—also known as Google Search Plus Your World.
Yes, that actually translates to Google SPY World. Sergey, Larry, did you guys pay someone to come up with that?
Along the way, I’ve measured the traffic generated by Plus Your World results. The answer: It’s big.
My Google Plus profile occasionally appears in SPY World results for ‘online marketing’ and ‘internet marketing’. Not often, but now and then. That’s fine. It gives my parents bragging rights:
Whoa. My traffic went up!
But then I looked at traffic. There’s more than bragging rights at stake here. I’ve never gotten clicks or impressions for ‘online marketing’ or ‘internet marketing’. When Google Search Plus Your World showed up, I started getting both:
A strong Google+ profile = organic search traffic
Get a strong Google Plus profile, and you’ll see stronger Google organic traffic. Google’s showing Search Plus Your World blended right into the organic results of folks who put you in their circles:
Even better, there’s a lot less competition on Google Plus than in the organic Google results. So, you can get real estate in the top 10 SERPs, for super-competitive terms, by staking out territory in Google Plus.
You need to get a Google Plus profile, and start growing it:
- Put influential people from your industry/profession/likes/dislikes in your circles.
- Curate content on Google Plus.
- If folks comment on your Plus posts, reply.
- Comment on, +1 and reshare cool stuff you find on Plus.
Gogogogogogo. Unless you’re in internet marketing. In that case, give me a few minutes to print my ranking so my parents can hang it on their fridge.
For all the folks who helped me by filling out the Google+ ranking factors survey: I haven’t forgotten it. I’m not ignoring you. Just digging up lots of other data so I can pull together something useful. Please put away the rotten tomatoes.
Let me preface this by saying I am a big fan of Google+ and I like the idea of working it into search results. I am happy Google has finally created a worthwhile social network. But, doesn’t all of this seem a little forced? I feel like Google is using their power as Google to force people into adopting Google+ into their lives. This just seems like a blatant ploy to add “active” users to their network.
Excellent post Tom. We saw a lot of people getting their brand pages right away as soon as Google opened the flood gates, but not knowing what to do after that. These tips definitely help clarify what everyone should be doing and why.
Thanks, Ian for sharing that. I really enjoyed your webinar the other day, too. Thanks for all that you share.
I’ve left this message before and want to leave it again. Your sardonic wit reminds me so much of Dave Barry. I saw him play in his band a few months ago here in Miami and his killer wit was ever present.
Even if you didn’t share the best information, I’d still open your emails just to enjoy the writing. I’ll see you on next month’s webinar and anybody else who wants to advance their knowledge should hop on too! All the best, Lois
“Get a strong Google Plus profile, and you’ll see stronger Google organic traffic.”
100% true. I can confirm that, too.
Really excellent post Ian Lurie. :]
What do you think about the ways people and pages are showing in SPYW social results?
Algorithmic, hand-picked or combination.
I discussed that question with AJ Kohn and Mark Traphaegn on Google+ and we can’t be sure about our findings, but anyway, we love to test SEO related stuff.
This is exactly why I’ve been focusing most of my social media attention on Google+ recently. I actually prefer Google+ over facebook anyway.
Google+ is something that can’t be ignored, more and more business are joining it every day, and the way it’s all interlinked it can turn out to be your online passport and identity.