Penguin, SEO & the Apocalypse

Ian Lurie Mar 2 2015

SEMPDX invited me to talk penalties at Searchfest 2015 (You should attend 2016, by the way). Here’s my presentation, with some extra explanatory slides:

Bear in mind that the data in here was generated by me, a History major w/ a law degree. So treat them with a healthy grain of salt. You can rely on the overall principles though:

  • Ignore what’s going on around you
  • When link building, balance risk and consequences, not risk and reward
  • When recovering from a penalty, understand that you have to balance speed-to-recovery and conservation of authority

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  1. Wish I had attended, sounds like a great event.
    I would have to agree with you on the manual vs algorithmic argument, we have recovered around 25/30 manual (link based) penalties within 3 months, whereas a number of no message penalty sites have not recovered all of their traffic and its hard to tell in all cases whether it is still penguin having an effect.

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