The Overhaul

Portent Helps Full Circle Increase Average Monthly Sign-ups by More Than 600% While Decreasing Average Cost per Sign-up by 77%.


Full Circle hired Portent to optimize their Google AdWords account for better spend efficiency and significantly grow their online business through paid search.

Objective 1: Cut average cost per conversion by half.

Objective 2: Triple average monthly conversions (people who signed up for their service).

Strategy & Target Audiences

Full Circle is an organic produce delivery service based in Washington State. They work with local produce growers and offer several different delivery options. They service customers in major metropolitan areas in Washington, Idaho, California, and Alaska.

We identified two main audiences to target with paid search keywords and landing pages, both of which showed a high intent to convert and would naturally fall further along the conversion funnel.

The first audience contained users who were already familiar with Full Circle. We created branded search campaigns with very direct ad copy and landing pages to target these users which showed the highest intent to convert. Our messaging was concise with one call to action: sign up with Full Circle today.

The second audience contained users searching for produce delivery options in specific cities or towns. Users who searched precisely for the service Full Circle offered along with their location tended to convert quickly. We encouraged these users to learn more about Full Circle in ad copy and featured their metropolitan/geographic area prominently on the corresponding landing pages.

Implementation & Creativity

We took the following strategic actions to implement our strategy and drive results:

  • Re-organized existing campaigns into tightly-themed campaigns and ad groups – We started with a small number of campaigns containing large ad groups, each with expansive keyword lists, and finished with dozens of concise campaigns. This gave us much better control of our budgets.
  • Applied new granular location targets tailored for the cities and towns Full Circle serviced – By limited geographic targeting to precise geographic areas, we were able to spend our daily budgets far more efficiently.
  • Added new standardized sets of ad copy and Sitelink extensions for testing purposes – Continual testing allowed us to steadily improve conversion rates.
  • Created new landing pages and micro-sites to improve user experience – Customizing a user’s on-site experience also allowed us to improve conversion rates.
  • Added new keywords and campaigns to expand search presence – We were able to send more high quality users to Full Circle’s site by adding new keywords and campaigns on a consistent basis.
  • Began advertising on new platforms, such as Bing Ads and Facebook Ads – By expanding onto more Pay-per-Click platforms, we were able to drive conversion volume up to much higher levels.

Results & Evaluation

Not only did we meet both of our primary objectives with this project, we surpassed them by large margins. We successfully took over a weak account with a lot of potential and revamped it according to a tailored strategy.

With a detailed, customized approach and a significant overhaul of Full Circle’s PPC campaigns, we were able to use the paid search medium successfully to help grow their business. In our 15-month span with Full Circle, we increased average monthly sign-ups by 623%, decreased the average cost per sign-up by 77%, and increased conversion rates by 68%.


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