For those looking to try pay-per-click marketing for the first time, get started on the right foot with a new PPC account built by the Portent team. The foundation of your PPC account plays a vital role in performance, so making sure your account is setup and optimized around your marketing goals is crucial for success.

Start from scratch with a new PPC account ready to work for you

What We Do

With a new PPC from the Portent team, you’ll get:

Account Ownership

Full ownership rights for the account will be given to your following project completion. Own your account and all the work in it, regardless of your status with Portent.

A/B Testing

Each ad group within your new account will contain a minimum of two active ads setup in an A/B testing environment. We can test different branding, marketing messages, or calls-to-action to help boost click-through rate.

Campaign Setup

Based on your advertising budget and goals, we will setup a minimum of two PPC campaigns ready to activate with optimized campaign settings, researched keywords, and enticing ad copy.

Conversion Tracking

Know how your PPC advertising is performing with conversion tracking. We’ll create the required code for you and provide instructions for proper placement on your website.

Pricing & Delivery

New PPC accounts start at a one-time fee of $200.

A final quote based on the size and scale of the project will be provided before we get started.


All account credentials and campaigns will be delivered within 5 business days.

Once our work is completed, manage the account on your own or sign up for one of our ongoing campaign management packages!