Sketched Entourage Collage by Rachel Simrell Scott: Top Portent's Voice and Tone Generator: Logo
Do you like to have fun, play or joke around? Are you trying to relate to your audience in a light-hearted way?
Is your subject matter in-depth, technical and dense? Is your approach neutral and logical?
Does your choice of language lean towards the mature and traditional? Does your audience have an advanced reading level?
Are you trying to befriend your readers? Do you want your message to be easy to understand?
Are you striving for appropriate gravity? Are you looking to demonstrate admiration for your subject matter?
Do you want to take a flippant approach to your topic? Are you being tongue-in-cheek?
Do you want your passion to show? Are you trying to generate excitement?
Is it your goal to present comprehensive information? Is your material objective rather than subjective?

Your Brand Personality Is…

Example: Email newsletter opening line

The four factors of your choice:

It's all about context.

Don't worry, you don't need to get all four of these tones into all your content. But each one will be useful somewhere—your site, your newsletter, your Facebook posts, your blog, or whatever content platform Google launches next month.

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Learn more about what Portent can do for your digital content.

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Sketched Entourage Collage by Rachel Simrell Scott: Bottom Portent's Voice and Tone Generator: Gal in Reflection
The factors in this generator are based on work by the Nielsen Norman Group on tone of voice dimensions.