Preface: Ultimate Guide to Page Speed

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A Manifesto, An Experiment, A Passion for Making Digital Experience Better

First, the good news: this manifesto is designed to help you win. Customers, readers, loyal fans, the whole shebang.

For the last twenty years, Portent’s CEO Ian Lurie has published, ranted, blogged, spoken publicly (and privately) about the stupid things that we marketers and web geeks often overlook in favor of shiny new things. Those unintentional slights to user experience that we justify under the umbrella of “necessary evil.”

Along the way, Ian somehow found a bunch of misfits who care as much as he does about things like user experience, page speed, and the like. Not to mention their impact on digital marketing.

This manifesto on page speed is an experiment by those misfits. It’s about service to the community of web geeks, and extending an open hand to marketers who care about getting it right for their users, even when that’s not the easy path.

As Seth Godin said: “sometimes if we want to make real change happen, we need more than a blog post.” This series represents the first step on that path. We hope you’ll join us.

Let’s make a ruckus.

Chapter 1: A Guide to This Guide

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