The #1 Facebook Ad Tool: Facebook Pixel Helper

Josh Thompson, Senior Social Media Specialist
Facebook Pixel Helper Icon - Portent

The Facebook Pixel is a foundational piece of any successful advertising campaign on Facebook. If you’re not familiar with pixel tracking, it’s a piece of code placed on the back-end of your website to accurately track results and users, along with optimizing ads and building audience segments for smarter marketing in the future. It’s common to almost all modern marketing technology, and it’s incredibly powerful If you’re actively advertising with Facebook, but not using their pixel, you’re missing a lot of opportunities and wasting advertising dollars.

Because this tiny piece of code has a giant impact on your ability to track and optimize Facebook campaigns, it would make sense that you’d want a tool or aid to ensure it’s set up and working properly on your website. There are a lot of third-party tools on the market to help Facebook advertisers track and optimize campaigns, but most of them fall short and cost money. The good news is Facebook created a free tool that helps troubleshoot any problems with this feature.

That tool: The Facebook Pixel Helper.

What’s the Facebook Pixel Helper?

Facebook Pixel Helper is a Google Chrome plugin offered by Facebook that helps validate and troubleshoot whether your Facebook pixel is installed and working properly. The tool works in the background, automatically crawling the website for code that resembles the Facebook Pixel.

Facebook Pixel Helper interface

One of the following three messages will appear after the tool has scanned your website.

  • Green Check Mark – Run your ads! Everything is installed and working properly.
  • Yellow Caution Sign – You’re almost to the finish line. Your pixel is likely not installed in the correct place or can’t match product in your catalog.
  • Red Dash – Not good. The pixel could be firing multiple times on the same page or did not load at all.

Why is the Facebook Pixel Helper Important?

Facebook Pixel Helper is important because it helps troubleshoot any possible errors with your website’s pixel. These messages from the tool provide a starting point to resolve any issue that might have occured when installing the code or over time as changes are made to the website.

The most common ways we use the Pixel Helper tool at Portent are to ensure the products of our eCommerce clients are connected to their product catalog. This allows us to accurately track all of the standard, but extremely important events (viewed product, add to cart, purchase). It also allows us to ensure the correct products appear in dynamic product catalog ads.

Using Facebook Pixel Helper to ensure Dynamic Product Catalog Ads are tracked correctly

Dynamic Product Catalog Ad Example - Image courtesy of Shopify

How to Install the Facebook Pixel Helper?

1. Search ‘Facebook Pixel Helper’ in the Chrome web store and click the blue ‘Add to Chrome’ button

Search ‘Facebook Pixel Helper’ in the Chrome web store

2. Click the ‘Add Extension’ button

Click the ‘Add Extension’ button for Facebook Pixel Helper

3. The tool will now appear on your Chrome navigation bar

The Facebook Pixel tool will now appear on your Chrome navigation bar


There’s not much else to say about the Facebook Pixel Helper. It’s an easy tool to install and use in your Google Chrome browser. It gives you the answers you need while saving you time and money, but the most important thing is that it helps you optimize significantly to improve your campaign results.

End call to action

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